Monday 8 July 2013

Te Manu Aute

Ko  manu aute te whainga

Nga rauemi
.Ko nga kutikuti
rakau, nga toitoi me nga harakeke.

Mahi whakamahere
Kei te ripihia te tahi toitoi kei te purua i runga i te papa. kei te mahi he tapa toru ki te mahi he manu aute o nga toitoi e toru.
Kei te tikina te harakeke ki te mahi te toinga. kei te tikinga te toitoi kite purua ki runga i te tapa toru kei te whakapiri nga toitoi.
Kei te tikinga te harakeke kei te purua i nga harakeke ki runga o nga toitoi pona te harakeke
kia tupato kite kutikuti.


  1. I love the colour scheme of your blog though I wonder whether you realise that using the Call Of Duty picture is against copyright? What could you choose instead?
    I had to look up te manu aute and see it is the kite. Did you join in with making these at the marae?

  2. Tu meke tou mahi Tangaroa, engari, ata titiro ki tou mahi tuhi kupu me nga rerenga korero, heoi ano, ka rawe.
